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Sunday, June 12, 2005

News for 06-11-05

06-11-05 - USS Liberty Vets Demand End to Coverup! Incidentally, I couldn?t help but notice the absence of any members of the U.S. Congress and/or officials from the Bush-Cheney administration at today?s event. This was in marked contrast to the annual conference of the powerful pro-Israeli lobbying juggernaut

06-11-05 - Gunmen fire at Palestinian security

06-11-05 - After Israeli Withdrawal, Gaza in Limbo

06-11-05 - Israeli Occupation Arrests Several in W. Bank Over the last three months, Israel confiscated and announced intentions to annex 28931 Dunams of Palestinian farmlands, and bulldozed thousands of orchards, planted mainly with Olive trees.

06-11-05 - PPS Accuses Israeli Jail Administration of Attempting to Kill a Prisoner PPS lawyer, Shireen Al Eisawi, explained that Al Moghrabi, who is in solitary confinement, was placed in the same cell with a mentally disturbed convict, who has threatened him more than once with murder.

06-11-05 - EU Official: Europe Overlooks the Crime of Building the Apartheid Wall in W. Bank

06-11-05 - United States to Cut UN Funding if Israel Remains Ignored

06-11-05 - Abbas urges parliament to introduce post of deputy president

06-11-05 - Israel: Coordination not condition for pullout

06-11-05 - PNA: Incitement in Palestinian Textbooks 'a Myth'

06-11-05 - UNCTAD intensifies supt for Palestinian Institution building efforts

06-11-05 - Palestinians vow not to disarm militants until occupation ends Palestinian foreign minister Nasser al-Qidwa ruled out disarming militant groups as long as Israel continues to occupy Palestinian land

06-11-05 - Palestinians set up security team for pullout

06-11-05 - Israel agrees to ease restriction on Palestinian movement See also - Closure Imposed on Judea, Samaria & Gaza

06-11-05 - Annan backs call by US Congress for UN to fight anti-Semitism The office of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has welcomed last week's resolution by the US House of Representatives calling on the UN to be more vigilant in the fight against anti-Semitism. The resolution, which the House passed Tuesday, also called on the United Nations to challenge discrimination against Israel.

06-11-05 - Sharon's non-response insults Japanese

06-11-05 - You have to imagine what it feels like The goal is to cut the organic, continuous links among existing Palestinian communities--to "Judaize" and strangle the eastern reaches of the city through settlement, land confiscation, the demolition of houses, state terror and massive military control.

06-11-05 - Israeli fears Hamas-led Palestine after UK 'endorsement' For many Palestinians, Fatah has become a byword for corruption and failure to deliver basic municipal services, such as street cleaning. Hamas, on the other hand, is perceived as being less corrupt and able to deliver key local services.

06-11-05 - Caterpillar protest goes up a gear Councillors from Labour, Sinn Fein and the Green party are leading an offensive against the American multinational, which they accuse of being complicit in the destruction of Palestinian houses on the West Bank and Gaza by Israeli defence forces.

06-11-05 - Report: Transfer control of Rafah to PA The position paper was presented to the Quartet's special envoy for the disengagement, James Wolfensohn, who visited Israel last week, and was submitted to Israel and the PA for comments.

06-11-05 - Israel-U.S. dispute on arms sale to China threatens to snowball The prospect of Israeli technology resulting in American deaths should rattle Israel, experts say, but it doesn't. Israel, they say, still hews to the coziness of its relationship with the Pentagon during the Cold War, when the United States encouraged Israel to sell arms to China as a means of isolating the Soviet Union

06-11-05 - Gulf states call for int'l efforts to fight terror They also called for a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction and asked that international community make Israel subject its nuclear facilities to the inspection of the International Atomic Energy Agency and to "consider that as a main condition for any future security arrangements."

06-11-05 - Tensions between IDF, settlers rising When one of the reservists tried to remove the posters, the settlers attacked him and

06-11-05 - Women-only council planned for pro-Israel evangelical lobby group At the National Religious Broadcasters convention in California earlier this year, Christian Zionist leader Kay Arthur declared in a since memorable speech that despite her love for the United States, "if I had to chose between America and Israel, I would choose Israel."

06-11-05 - Egypt to ensure security after Gaza pullout: official

06-11-05 - 60 trucks enter Palestinian territories

06-11-05 - Hamas says not objects to ties with US

06-11-05 - Palestinian militants reiterate commitment to truce

06-11-05 - Abbas wants agreement to be ready before summit

06-11-05 - 28 Palestinian companies to exhibit products at Global Village this month - Jordan

06-11-05 - Swiss seek to improve access to Gaza A Harvard expert, commissioned by Switzerland to develop a system of access to Gaza, tells swissinfo the proposal has met less resistance than expected.

06-11-05 - Friendship defies political divide Maya says that until she met Lina, she had been under the impression that all Arabs were hostile.
"I always thought they want to kill us,"

06-11-05 - Haifa Wahbi enters the political scene Haifa stated that she feels obligated to present music that puts a smile on people?s faces, and that she ?supports the Palestinian people every step of the way.?

06-11-05 - 38-year occupation enough in Israel

posted by Somebody @ 12:38 AM Permanent Link


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