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Monday, September 12, 2005

News for 09-11-05

09-11-05 - 12-year-old boy wounded by Israeli gunfire in Gaza

09-11-05 - Israel hands settlements to Palestinians A boy, 12, who got too close was seriously injured by gunfire from one of the tanks and armoured vehicles still guarding the settlements. Three other people were also wounded.

09-11-05 - IDF general escapes arrest by London police's anti-terrorist unit Almog had arrived in London on an El-Al flight. Israel Ambassador Zvi Hefetz learned of a plan to arrest him for allegedly perpetrating war crimes during the intifada, and quickly informed Yaki Dayan, head of the political department in Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom's bureau.

09-11-05 - From Palestine with love: West Bank merchants on New Orleans mercy mission

09-11-05 - Palestinians Taking Control in Gaza Strip Triumphant Palestinian troops accompanied by cheering, flag-waving crowds took control of abandoned Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip Monday Is it a coincidence that Israel would choose this day to officially leave Gaza? Methinks no. Because then Palestinians will forever celebrate this date as their independence, and the Zionists LOVE THIS - it will be perceived as their celebration of 9-11 FOREVER. What better PR could an Israel-supporter ask for?

09-11-05 - Palestinian riot police order halt to Gaza protest

09-11-05 - Occupied or not? Gaza's new status stirs debate Palestinians say occupation will not truly be over until Israel gives up control of Gaza's air space, sea lanes and border crossings.

09-11-05 - Israel to Leave Gaza Synagogues Intact Israel wants the Palestinians to get the bad PR for demolishing them.

09-11-05 - Palestinians wait for rush on Gaza settlements

09-11-05 - Internationals banned from streets of Tel Rumeida and teachers protest metal detector checkpoint The Israeli army and
police have said they will ensure the children's safety, but are now
stopping the internationals from observing what is going on at the many
places on the hill where the girls are vulnerable to settler stone throwers
and other harassment.

09-11-05 - Sharon: Israel builds in W.Bank despite US objections The World Court says the settlements are illegal. Israel disputes this.

09-11-05 - The final waiting hours at Gaza's hated roadblock

09-11-05 - Israeli evades arrest at Heathrow over army war crime allegations

09-11-05 - Lawlessness in Gaza Ahead of Handover "An hour after we leave the field, there will be a strategic the nature of our response to even an attempt at terror," Maj.-Gen. Yisrael Ziv, the military's chief of operations, told Israel Radio. "We shall have a far more extreme reaction to any attempt."

09-11-05 - Palestinians to demolish abandoned Gaza synagogues Israeli ministers are well aware that images of synagogues being wrecked in the immediate aftermath of the hand over could reflect badly on the Palestinians.

09-11-05 - MK Tibi submits bill for release of Gazans jailed in Israel Holding the prisoners after the completion of the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip contravenes the fourth Geneva Convention

09-11-05 - Israeli army ends its iron grip on Gaza - but distrust lingers

09-11-05 - Surrealism in Bil'in - Report by Adam Keller

09-11-05 - PA's Abbas, Dahlan slam Israel for unfinished Gaza business "This is a trap the Israelis are trying to set for the PA," he said. "They will use this to present Palestinians as uncivilized and to justify future acts of violence against Muslim places of prayer."

09-11-05 - Admitting occupation

09-11-05 - Contaminated Water Presents Bigger Crisis in the Gaza Strip

09-11-05 - Katrina damage may affect 2006 Israel aid

09-11-05 - Israeli police arrest 1416 Palestinian workers

09-11-05 - Palestinian official refutes Israeli accusation on school conditions

09-11-05 - PNA speech at UN summit to focus on settlements expansion

09-11-05 - Palestinians move in as Israel ends 38-year occupation of Gaza the PA is angry at its early assessments that Israel has not fulfilled its promise to remove asbestos from destroyed homes

09-11-05 - Italy thanks Palestinian leadership for help with journalist taken in Gaza

09-11-05 - Saudi Monarch receives Palestinian PM

09-11-05 - Israel okays last Gaza pullout, ending army rule

09-11-05 - Americans offered ?terror tours? Capitalizing on terrorism.

posted by Somebody @ 12:49 AM Permanent Link


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