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Thursday, May 10, 2007

News for 05-09-07

05-09-07 - Abbas, Haniyeh deploy Palestinian police in Gaza

05-09-07 - Chief Islamic Justice slams Israeli demolishing of charitable society in Jerusalem Palestinian Chief Islamic Justice, Sheikh Taiseer Tamimi, slammed that Israeli demolishing and bulldozing of a Palestinian charitable society and several houses in Al Esawiyya area in the occupied East Jerusalem.

05-09-07 - 30 structures in unrecognized Bedouin village in Negev demolished

05-09-07 - Militants want cleric freed for BBC reporter

05-09-07 - Factions unite for Gaza crackdown

05-09-07 - IDF to investigate skirmish at roadblock Judge Advocate General Brig.-Gen. Avichai Mandelblit ordered the opening of a criminal investigation Wednesday night after watching video footage aired on Channel 2 that showed IDF officers beating left-wing protesters. Only because they were caught on tape (again).

05-09-07 - Palestinian Muslims Protest Against Bible Society Bombing in Gaza ?There are people who do not wish to have the Bible Society in Gaza ,? he continued, ?but they are outnumbered by people who welcome it. We are staying here and increasing our service to the people of Gaza.?

05-09-07 - Israel tanks manoeuvre round Gaza fence -residents

05-09-07 - Israeli soldiers search Palestinian mobile phones on checkpoints Israeli troops, stationed at one of the Military checkpoints near Salfit in the western West Bank, were seen searching through mobile phones of the Palestinian passengers without any respect to their privacy.

05-09-07 - Israeli troops enter Gaza despite Palestinian factions' warning: witnesses In another incident, Israeli soldiers positioned outside the fence in eastern Gaza opened fire and wounded an old Palestinian man in his legs, paramedic said.

05-09-07 - Amid crisis, Palestinian parliament also paralyzed

05-09-07 - Palestine ready to negotiate peace with Israel: minister

05-09-07 - Army action against Israeli protestors sparks storm Footage of the army's action made the top story on the evening news bulletins of Israel's two main privately run television stations Channel Two and Channel 10.

05-09-07 - Palestinian security plan to go into effect Thursday

05-09-07 - EU MPs urge restart of direct aid to Palestinians "Anybody who refuses this is neither constructive nor humane,"

05-09-07 - YouTube - Not so cool facts about Israel

05-09-07 - Major ZOA Lecture: MK Gen. Effie Eitam Warned -- "Israel Will Take Action If Diplomacy/Sanctions Fail" To Stop Iran Getting Nuclear Bomb ** ?I pray that this country [the USA] which has so many times led a world coalition against evil, will wake up and not accept a nuclear Iran for its long-term existence. Recently, I spoke to the U.S. National Security Council (NSC). I was invited to give my views, the invitation came from U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv. I was told at the NSC, ?We believe we missed some important views by failing to discover the views of right-wing Israelis.

05-09-07 - Report: Arab league cancels visit to Israel

05-09-07 - UConn puts UAE campus on hold The University of Connecticut froze plans to open a campus in the United Arab Emirates after state legislators complained that the country bars Israelis from visiting. "after state legislators complained that the country bars Israelis from visiting."

05-09-07 - Palestinians see foreign hand in Lebanon camp killings "A non-Lebanese intelligence service was behind the crime which cost the lives of two Fatah members in Ain el-Helweh," the group's Lebanon chief, Sultan Abul Aynain, told a news conference in the Rashidiyeh camp further south.

05-09-07 - 700 lobby for Israel The activists are touting four legislative initiatives: U.S. funding for Israel; isolating Iran; bringing genocide charges against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; and U.S.-Israel energy cooperation.

05-09-07 - TV Station Withdraws Political Children's Program at Request of Ministry of Information Dr. Barghouthi expressed surprise that some American television stations continue to cover the story when the issue has now been resolved, and when they have neglected to convey video footage on Israeli human rights violations released by the Ministry over the past six weeks, showing the savaging of a Palestinian women by an Israeli military dog; the use of Palestinian youths as human shields by Israeli soldiers; the beating of a Palestinian youth at an Israeli checkpoint near Nablus; and the violent repression by the Israeli military of a peaceful protest against the Apartheid Wall near Bethlehem.
Start youtubing the Israeli violations caught on film; the lobby's worst nightmare. The truth will prevail.

05-09-07 - The UN must drive Middle East peace Successive Israeli governments have continued with their project to implant large numbers of Israelis inside the West Bank. Today, as many as 440,000 Israeli settlers live among the nearly 2.5 million Palestinians of the occupied West Bank (including East Jerusalem.)

05-09-07 - Palestinian Hamas takes Mickey Alright, so I believe that this character was broadcast on Palestinian TV. However, if we look at what was actually said, as opposed to the spin that the likes of Fox put on it, it is quite clear that this incident was way overblown. The story originated (very last entry, going backwards in time via Google News search by date) from not one but TWO Israel lobby groups (CAMERA, which got it from PMW). Update at press time (7:19pm 05-10-07), the originating article from CAMERA no longer appears at the very tail end of the search, for what reason, it is not clear.

05-09-07 - 'This House believes the pro-Israeli lobby has successfully stifled Western debate about Israel's actions.' First off, this 'debate' gave the floor to the pro-Israeli commentators for most of the video. It's actually pretty ridiculous that this should be considered a debate. Finkelstein and Cockburn were routinely interrupted and shut down by Aaronovitch and Indyk, and they were not afforded much time at all to speak. Secondly, the pro-Israeli lobby in Britain is not nearly as effective or as powerful as its counterpart in the US. THAT must be kept in mind when watching this debate.

05-09-07 - IPF meets, encourages Pelosi Top officers of the dovish pro-Israel group visited Tuesday with Pelosi, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, and a number of other Democrats

05-09-07 - Keeping Jerusalem Jewish There is nothing new in saying that the determination of the size of the Arab population in 1967 was arbitrary; it was done with a combination of bureaucratic manipulation (preventing access to the Population Registry) and geographic manipulation (using Arab-populated territory and vacant areas for the purpose of establishing Jewish neighborhoods). Israeli demoGRAPHY.

05-09-07 - Medical Relief starts a project to rehabilitate schools and kindergartens

05-09-07 - Middle East Peace addressed by ecumenical coalition in Washington

05-09-07 - NSC Chairman: Syrian call for peace talks with Israel 'authentic'

05-09-07 - "Corrie" ALMOST Banned in Boston

05-09-07 - Ban Ki-moon urges peaceful solution at UN meeting on Question of Palestine The two-day gathering sponsored by the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People Africa will be followed on 11 May by the UN Public Forum in Support of Israeli-Palestinian Peace, to be held at the University of Pretoria

05-09-07 - A Conversation with Norman Finkelstein

05-09-07 - Unknown gunmen attack PALTEL in Khan Younis

05-09-07 - Farah keynotes 'Night to Honor Israel' WND founder and Editor Joseph Farah will deliver the keynote address at "A Night to Honor Israel," sponsored by the Jerusalem Connection and Christians United for Israel, Sunday, May 20, at the Rachel M. Schlesinger Concert Hall and Arts Center at the Northern Virginia Community College in Alexandria.

05-09-07 - Gaza Rappers Abide by Islam, Sing On Amid Violence and Threats

05-09-07 - S. African official calls on Israel to seize peace opportunity

05-09-07 - U.S. Congress Focuses Attention on Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries In commenting on a lack of awareness about Jewish refugees, Rep. Ackerman added that "Jewish refugees have been successfully absorbed in Israel and elsewhere and, perhaps, as a result, their claims and misfortune have been largely ignored." Rep. Pence concurred: "There is a great deal of world opinion about one group of refugees (i.e. Palestinians). There is a great deal of world ignorance about the other (i.e. Jewish refugees)." Thus does the US Congress again engage in a form of supremacy by holding one group of people supreme over another. Let's all focus on the ones that were settled in long ago, and that aren't still sitting in poverty in refugee camps after 60 years. That's it. That's the ticket.

05-09-07 - Analysis: Israeli security officials oppose Dayton ?The Americans went for the Dayton Plan, but they failed to succeed in Iraq so why should they succeed here. The first terror attack that will occur after the removal of checkpoints, will place them in a difficult position,?

05-09-07 - Israeli society more violent, says Peretz Soldiers' operations in the territories affect their behavior at home, Peretz noted. "Although these operations must be carried out?we can concede amongst ourselves that our continued presence in the territories isn't healthy and does not have a good effect on behavioral norms in the young generation.

posted by Somebody @ 7:36 PM Permanent Link


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