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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

News for 07-10-06

07-10-06 - Olmert defends Gaza onslaught as death toll hits 50 Four Palestinian teenagers, whom local medical sources said were unarmed, died and another four people were wounded in the latest Israeli air strikes over the Gaza Strip after dark Monday.

07-10-06 - Olmert Rules Out Prisoner Swap With Hamas Three militants were killed Monday in two Israeli airstrikes, and five people, including an 8-year-old girl, were wounded when an Israeli missile targeted a car the army said was filled with explosives.

07-10-06 - Hundreds stranded at Egypt-Gaza border-Red Cross At least two stranded Palestinians have died so far, including a 15-year-old boy who was waiting to cross into Gaza after undergoing heart surgery in Cairo, an Egyptian official at the border said.

07-10-06 - Israel denies 'excessive force' Separately, a 15-month-old baby wounded in an Israeli air strike near Khan Younis on 21 June died on Monday of his injuries, medical sources said

07-10-06 - IPI condemns shooting of two Palestinian photographers in two days When Zanoun attempted to continue photographing, he was shot in the leg and stomach by an Israeli sniper.

07-10-06 - The Palestinian Catastrophe, Then and Now as the historian Benny Morris has documented, minister Aharon Cohen declared that Israeli troops in Lydda had been "ordered" to "take from the expelled Arabs every watch, piece of jewelry or money" so that, arriving completely destitute, they would become a burden on the Arab legion," the army of King Abdullah of neighboring Transjordan.) Great article. It details the beginnings of Israel's Holocaust of the Palestinians.

07-10-06 - Iran: We didn't pay PA USD 50 million yet In spite of pledge made to cash-strapped Palestinian Authority, Iran says it has yet to transfer aid, suggests process for payment still being discussed

07-10-06 - MK won't retract remark that seizing IDF troops is legitimate

07-10-06 - Israeli Army in Hebron Violates Israeli High Court Order - Again

07-10-06 - Threat to Civilians Burgeons in Gaza Palestinian witnesses insisted that an Israeli missile struck the low-slung family compound, and the Israeli military acknowledged staging a missile strike in the area at almost precisely the time the Hajaj home was hit. The claim from an article in last night's news list was BS, as I alleged. The pro-Israeli groups will undoubtedly continue to allege the opposite.

07-10-06 - Scotland Yard looks into cameraman's murder Police are to investigate the killing of James Miller, the British cameraman shot dead by Israeli soldiers in Gaza three years ago. Our citizens get no such justice.

07-10-06 - Children are Primary Victims of International Aid Cut-off to Palestinian Territories Children suffer disproportionately from the violence and from the lack of food and medical care. UNICEF, the United Nations' Children's Fund, released a statement in mid-June warning that one in three newborns in Gaza is at risk of dying due to the lack of medicines and emergency medical equipment in hospitals.

07-10-06 - Israel calls for tough line on Iran Israel urged Western nations to deny Iran uranium-enrichment capabilities that could help produce nuclear weapons.

07-10-06 - Hamas says prisoner swap only option for Israel He blasted the international community for focusing on the Israeli soldier, rather on than ending Israeli assaults on Gaza that he said had killed 47 Palestinians and wounded 187. "Our people in Gaza are on the brink of a humanitarian disaster and the world is watching. The world is standing by scared and astonished because of one Israeli soldier... when we have 10,000 prisoners (in Israeli jails)."

07-10-06 - Israeli use of poisonous material alleged A ministry report released Monday said testimonies from surgeons in Palestinian hospitals indicated that "all 249 casualties inflicted by the Israeli war machine during the operation on Gaza which started on June 27 resulted from shrapnel of new and developed shells and explosives which cause amputation of limbs and burning of all the injured parts."

07-10-06 - Turkey Pledges $1 Million to Palestinians Speaking at the signing ceremony Monday, Foreign Minster Gul said the money would be used to create and fund a Palestinian state and to develop new leaders. He said the two-state solution was being jeopardized by Israel's actions.

07-10-06 - US tells exiled Hamas leader not to dictate to Palestinians Note the irony in that headline.

07-10-06 - EU mulls redirecting aid amid worsening Gaza plight The European Commission is considering how to redirect EU aid to Palestinians in light of the worsening situation there, a spokeswoman has said, renewing criticism of a massive Israeli offensive.

07-10-06 - My Brother, the ambassador
When you deliberately place yourself and your family into a war zone, and in violation of international law, don't come crying to Uncle Sam when the sh*t hits the fan.

07-10-06 - Most Palestinians back soldier's abduction - poll The Jerusalem Media and Communications Centre surveyed a random sample of 2,000 people in the Gaza Strip and occupied West Bank during an ongoing Israeli incursion in Gaza to free the soldier captured in a June 25 cross border raid. This poll was taken during Israel's assault on the Palestinian civilian infrastructure - and after scores of civilians have been killed or maimed in recent weeks.

07-10-06 - Israel bars Palestinian Americans for first time since 1967 The Interior Ministry and Civil Administration made no formal announcement about a policy change, leaving returnees to discover the situation when they reach the border crossings.
Israel decides who lives or visits the Palestinian Territories.

07-10-06 - Israeli soldier to be kept as prisoner of war: Hamas leader

07-10-06 - Ya'alon: 'Two states' no longer relevant He said Israel should establish a "defensible-borders" policy, which would include a heightened military presence in the West Bank and pressure on the international community to recognize Israeli sovereignty in West Bank areas close to Israeli population centers. All of the settlements in Israeli-occupied territory - and that includes the West Bank - are illegal under the Fourth Geneva Convention (article 49) .

07-10-06 - Arabs threaten legal action over borders "We would not tolerate a country barring Americans entry because they are Jewish, black, Asian or Latino, and we certainly should not do so because they are of Arab descent," Racism reigns supreme when it comes to Israel and you would be hard pressed to get any condemnation out of America - which is another Israeli-occupied territory.

07-10-06 - Settlers arrested for anti-police plot Five West Bank settlers are in Israeli custody on suspicion of plotting to attack police

07-10-06 - Zambia: Double Standards When hundreds of blacks were killed it was not a big issue but when a white person was killed it became such a gigantic issue. What we are trying to say is that every life should be valued the same way. And aggression should be condemned in a similar way. The crimes committed by Israelis should be condemned the same as those of the Palestinians.

07-10-06 - Human Rights Council special session resolution S-1/Res.1: Human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

07-10-06 - 'Apartheid Israel' worse than SA's - Madisha The "apartheid Israel state" is worse than the apartheid that was conducted in South Africa, Congress of SA Trade Unions president Willie Madisha said on Monday.

07-10-06 - Israel's Deadliest Weapon

07-10-06 - Angry Arab doesn't pull any punches

07-10-06 - Rallies demand Gilad Shalit's return The rallies were sponsored by the Jewish Agency for Israel and the World Zionist Organization.

posted by Somebody @ 6:36 AM Permanent Link


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